Since the weather was very nice today, I took the little girl I nanny to the park. I have many friends in the area who are nannies/au pairs and we often take our kids to the park for play dates. Today we had a play date and other then my little girl getting hit by a boy on a swing (she accidentally ran in front of the swings), it was a great day. I like play dates because I get to be in the company of my friends too.
The weather continues to be pleasant here in Metro Detroit. I woke up this morning feeling great, the sun was shinning. As I do each morning, after my alarm goes off, I roll over in my bed and check my e-mail, facebook and twitter pages.
No new e-mails.
No new notifications.
But I did have an @ Reply on Twitter.
When I read who tweeted me, I was stunned. Kat von D?!?! I thought I was still sleeping. I sat up in my bed and checked it again. It was not a dream, but reality.
Kat von D is my inspiration for my 365 project. My inspiration for pushing myself to be better at what I do. She has a "Sketch a Day" project that she is doing and posts her beautiful sketches on her Twitter page. After last night's tweet, I tweeted Kat that she is my inspiration for this project. I couldn't believe she tweeted me back! Especially since two weeks ago, I wrote an entry in my personal blog about how much she inspires me. It's very motivating to hear from someone I admire so much...even if it's only two words.
Below is a screenshot of the tweet that leaves me smiling.
Also, don't be shy to leave comments =) I noticed that I have visitors from the U.S., Germany, Brazil, Canada, Bulgaria, France, Lithuania and Norway...I'm super stokked about that it would also be nice to hear from all of you and get some feedback. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog! Hope you're enjoying it.
I'm finally going through your pictures (you know I'm not a computer addicted) and I am amazed with your work! Really great great great job!