Here's my attempt at taking (and posting) one photograph a day, for an entire year. Here we go...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Day 212
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Eleanor Roosevelt
The power in my neighborhood went out today so I spent most of the day in candlelight. I was writing a research paper for one of my classes and I felt as if I lived in the time before electricity. Minus me typing on my computer. But other than that, I felt completely colonial. It made me realize how much I depend on technology and electricity. Without electricity, I was unable to go on the internet, which probably did me more good than bad. I ended up spending more time on my paper rather than procrastinating haha. Though it is getting a little chilly in my house, so I hope the power goes back on soon.
I was totally not prepared when the power went out earlier today. Since I am not a smoker, I scrambled around the house to find a lighter to light the candles. I did not have many candles and it made me wish I attended more Candle Lite parties, or take more trips to the dollar store.
Electricity or not, I am determined to finish this project up. 153 days to go.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Day 211
Late night coffee with friends is the best.
Especially when another friend works at your favorite coffee shop! Thanks for the delicious drink Kara! I am so lucky and fortunate to have such wonderful friends in my life.
Fa-la-la-la-la! I love Christmas time =)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Day 208
Today I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts. It is one of my favorite places to escape to in the city and I always have a fantastic time. While in one of the galleries, this piece caught my eye. I love the colors and the way the glass reflected the lights. So cool. There are a few places within the museum that you cannot take photographs, but I am lucky that I was able to get a photograph of this sculpture. I think it is neat-o.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Day 207
Started off the morning playing hockey with some amazing people, watched the Lions game with a Packer fan, homemade pizza for dinner and movie and wine night. Not a traditional thanksgiving but it was definitely one of the best ones yet.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 206
It was a little crowded tonight in the D.
Though, having stop and go traffic is good for a little night photography. Not the best photographs I took, but having been been behind the wheel, they are decent. I want to make an effort to take more photographs at night. Though I am definitely not a night owl.
Hoot. Hoot.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Day 205
Where brains are molded.
Today I met some really cool middle school kids who are very interested in learning more about photography. I worked with Ms. T, a former teacher of mine and we showed them some examples of my photography so they can start to "see like a camera." It was great to see the look of intrique, attentiveness and curiosity on their faces as I explained different techniques and photographic rules. I am excited to work with them more and help them take better photographs.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Day 204
I am Kimmik, hear me roar.
My brother got me this for my birthday. It is a really cool piece and I enjoy it very much! I cannot wait to put it up in the studio.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Day 201
If I had to pick a favorite animal, a snake would definitely not be it.
If I had to pick a favorite photograph that I took today, this would definitely be it.
I went to the zoo with my friend Lorna and it was fantastic. The weather was chilly enough to discourage people from spending the day at the Detroit Zoo, which did not stop us. It was great actually because it felt as if we were the only people there with the animals. It gave us extra time to walk around and see everything, without the usual crowded mass of spectators. Extra time at the zoo allowed me to spend more time on each animal, work on some technical stuff and capture better photographs. Other than being a little cold, it was really great.
I was lucky enough to see this guy in the Holden Museum of Living Reptiles. After shuddering at the thought of getting close to the glass to take a photograph, I gathered up what courage I had and pressed the shutter-release button. Checking my camera screen to make sure the photograph turned out okay, I could not help but appreciate the beauty in the fierceness and intimidation that crossed his face. Because even though snakes are not my favorite animal, they are fascinating creature to watch and learn about. I guess that is what makes the Detroit Zoo one of my favorite places, each time I go there, I escape from my daily life and am able to discover something stunning and splendid. I love being a Detroit Zoo member.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Day 200
165 days to go!
Wow, I cannot believe that I have completed this project for 200 consecutive days. I have had so much support from my friends and family - they are the best.
What is even more amazing is how this project has been a personal achievement for me. I have averaged about 1,000 views each month from around the globe and that is WAY more than I ever expected. So again -- I thank you for reading this daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you do. Each time you look at one of my photographs, think of my saying "THANK YOU" or throwing a high-five your way. I sincerely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
The past few weeks have been hectic for me, with this semester coming to an end, I have exams each week and papers due. No exaggerating. But I try to use what energy and creativity I have left at the end of the day to come up with interesting photos.
I have 165 days to go, I decided to celebrate it with a "light painting" photograph. 165 days until my goal is completed.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Day 199
I know it is not Halloween, nor is it the same month as the pseudo-holiday, but this still hangs on my wall.
My friend's mom quilted me a Halloween-themed banner last month. Above this dude, there is also a mean looking witch on it, which I named the witch, Bellatrix Lastrange. I think I will leave the banner up until it is taken down by another family member. And since I had to take down a Christmas wreath to hang this, I believe it will be up until next Halloween. Plus it is made with love from Mama R. so of course it will be up!
She is the best.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Day 195
10 points to Michigan State.
Being at the Quidditch World Cup today was incredible. Better than I had imagined, I enjoyed my time spent with the Harry Potter community. I was truly in my element. This was a weekend of "firsts" for me and it was great. I definitely recommend attending the event if you ever get the chance to.
I will be writing a full article for FanBolt once I transcribe the interviews I conducted today.
I have to thank the International Quidditch Association, the World Cup staff members and Alex Benepe (IQA CEO) for creating such a wonderful and uplifting environment for everyone to enjoy.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day 193
Crappy photograph I know...
Did not have time to take one because I had classes and was getting ready for NY. I just needed one to keep the project going...even if it was from a camera phone.
Tomorrow's photograph will be better.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day 192
He might have been the last one left of his litter, but he will always be number one in my heart.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day 191
Can you tell that I am excited?
This weekend, I will be attending the Quidditch World Cup in New York. Not only will I be able to watch the game of my favorite novel come to life, I will be covering it for FanBolt.
I overly excited to travel to New York. It will be a series of firsts for me. My first trip to NYC, watching my first quidditch match and my first Quidditch World Cup.
Be sure to follow me on Twitter to get live updates and photos if you are unable to make it. And if you do make it, tweet me and say hello! I can always use quotes from spectators for my articles and if you would like to be in one, let me know!
This weekend, I will be attending the Quidditch World Cup in New York. Not only will I be able to watch the game of my favorite novel come to life, I will be covering it for FanBolt.
I overly excited to travel to New York. It will be a series of firsts for me. My first trip to NYC, watching my first quidditch match and my first Quidditch World Cup.
Be sure to follow me on Twitter to get live updates and photos if you are unable to make it. And if you do make it, tweet me and say hello! I can always use quotes from spectators for my articles and if you would like to be in one, let me know!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 190
Black and white photographs are my favorite.
Especially creepy and dramatic ones taken at night because the night is exactly that: creepy and dramatic.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day 188
Such a beautiful be among friends.
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity, no, the pleasure of visiting the west coast. The west coast of Michigan that is.
Today's photograph is from downtown Grand Rapids. I love how the river winded through the cityscape and the bridges were really cool. It is a great place, I enjoyed it a lot. It had a big city feel without all of the hassles that a big city has. Everyone seemed more friendly and happier. Seriously, I think the sun shines brighter there; probably because they have a lot of reflective-glass windows on their buildings. Which made for great effects.
I spent most of my weekend with my friend Cheryl, who is nothing less than an incredible person. Now, I am not just saying that because I am biased, but who dedicates a majority of their time to volunteer on a weekly basis, trained for months to run a marathon to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, raising almost $2,400 for that foundation, works, is a full-time student focusing on a degree in Public and Non-Profit Administration AND will be spending 10 months helping the less fortunate through AmeriCorps? An inspirational and truly dedicated person, that is who.
Spending time with friends is always an enjoyable time, especially when they take you to places that you have never been. In my case, Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, Michigan.

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is, while you're in the world.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Day 184
How did I get so lucky?
Happy November! T'is my birthday month. But more importantly, Christmas is next month! My favorite time of the year.
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