I love my hockey team.
This weekend is out Michigan Amateur Hockey Association State tournament. Not only will Team ICES be playing tomorrow in the championship, but we are going into the final game undefeated.
Having played on more teams that I can count on my fingers, this is the team I will remember the most. Not because it is the most recent team I have played on, but because it is the best group of people I have had the honor of playing with. The sense of camaraderie, sportsmanship and tenacity that Team ICES has, allows us to be able to conquer anything in our path. We have a great support system from our coaches, friends and family members who drop everything to motivate and cheer us on.
Martin Condon says it best in his "One Team" speech:
Focus. Focus on the fundamentals, one game at a time. Put your effort and concentration into playing to your potential.
Today is not about the past, it’s not about the future, it’s about right now. You’ve got to want that like you’re fighting for your last breath in this life.
You’re here because you said, “I believe in this team,” and we will finish what we started. You have within you an incredible strength from being apart of something truly special. Knowing that, even in your darkest hour, no matter how futile or impossible the road may seem, you are never alone on this team.
They will learn that if they knock you down, another will take your place. And if they knock him down, we’ll just come back at them harder. And if they knock you down again, they’re going to know what it’s like to have [Team ICES] crash down on them. Because we carry each other.
That’s how you know in your heart that you’re a winner. It’s not about medals; it’s about the times you were there for your teammates. The times they needed you, and you were there. And they need you today.
Today is about immortality, because, no matter what happens out there today, even if victory seems impossible, we know that you will never give up on us, because we will never give up on you.
Get up.
Stand up and fight.
One life. One love. One team.
I am proud to be a part of this amazing team.Tomorrow will be a great game.
I am proud to be a part of this amazing team.Tomorrow will be a great game.
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