If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. Steve Jobs
The first I heard of the passing of Apple's founder was indeed, on a social media site. I think it is sad to find out information by saying "Oh yeah, I read that on Facebook" instead of a more reputable source. After seeing a couple status updates on Mr. Jobs, I decided to check CNN where I found myself reading this article. I was wrong to think that his death may have been another "prank" on the social media sites, just as it happened to Jim Carrey and Jackie Chan.

I enjoyed reading about his life and was surprised that he dropped out of college after a semester and quit one of his first jobs to backpack across India and take psychedelic drugs. According to CNN, "Those experiences, Jobs said later, shaped his creative vision."
Like many around the world, my household is filled with several of his products. Five iPods from different generations, a MacBook Pro, an iHome, iTrip for my car and I'm always fighting with my college-student budget to invest in the iPod Sport Kit, Apple TV and an iMac for my photography.
So I thought I would relate today's photograph to honor Mr. Jobs. Charlie was playing with his mother's iPad and I liked the lighting. Tomorrow is Charlie's 9th birthday, so he was looking up the rare "Squishies" that he wanted. It is incredible how these kids grasp the concept of technology at such a young age. Katy is four and works the iPad better than I do. Though I always monitor the YouTube videos she watches because I do not want to hear "The Annoying Orange" a million times a day hahaha.
But in all seriousness, Thank You Mr. Jobs for creating such wonderful products and introducing brilliant technology into this world. I use my MacBook Pro each and everyday and I truly think it has helped bring out the best in my photography. The "finger-swipes" in my trackpad is not only a huge timesaver, but a lifesaver. The clarity of the screens and all of the functions of the computer come together precisely to help me perfect my craft, just as Mr. Jobs had done. I cannot imagine using any other brand of computer for my photography, nor will I ever. My next big investment will be an iMac for my studio.
But most of all, thank you for inspiring me and others to create the "next big thing."
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