Day 173
Model puppy!
I am happy to have my studio lighting set up and today, I put it to good use. I wanted to practice photographing Pongo so I could add some pet-type photographs to my portfolio. As I would with a person, I adjusted the lighting. In this case, it is my attempt to do split lighting with Pongo. He was anxious that I had a treat in my hand combined with the fact that he never sits still, the lighting was not perfect. Though I thought it had a neat effect here.
I must say a very big THANK YOU to you reading this. Because without you, I would not have achieved 5,100+ views so far. Every once in a while, I check my statistics to see where my audience is and how many of you have checked out my project. I could not believe that it is so many! So a large THANK YOU is in order. I sincerely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and love the fact that you are all enjoying my photographs around the world! The U.S., Canada, Germany, the U.K., the Netherlands, Russia, Brazil, countries in the Middle East, India, Austria, the Philippines, Romania, Australia, Indonesia and many more. THANK YOU!
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