Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 122

A series of unfortunate events will not dampen my spirit.

After my college charged me for a summer class that I did not take, lost some of my paperwork for this upcoming semester (which I re-submitted), received a parking ticket today (around the time I took this photograph actually) and ended up going home with a broken camera lens, I am determined not to let that get me down. Because, overall, I had a really great day.

Yes, all of the above is unfortunate and a bit frustrating, but I have to maintain a certain level of zen to not let it all bother me. When thinking of my photograph for today, only one subject came to mind, this statue.

While it does not have an official title, it is known as the Spirit of Detroit. Often, he wears different uniforms of the Detroit professional sport teams when they are in the playoffs. Now, he is sporting a Detroit Public Schools t-shirt as a part of their "I'm in" campaign.

The reason I thought of this statue is because to me, it represents the spirit of the city. And while Detroit may not be the most popular or thriving city, we have spirit; something that no amount of bad media can take away. To me, people in his left hand represent the great citizens of the Motor City and in his right hand, is a ball of light, a ball of hope, a ball of spirit. I like to think that the statue is saying to the people, "Hey, do not worry, have a little hope on your darkest days and one day, everything will shine bright again." Which is why, for me, it is only fitting that this is my photograph for today.

It reminds me to always keep my spirit up and as Professor Dumbledore said, Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.


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