Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 98

In the words of my wise Brazilian friend, "This is love."

I have been tethered to the confinement of my house for the past few days due to a sprained ankle. As I went for a run, I must have mis-stepped or stepped on a crack. I am not really sure, but as I felt the blood rush to make my right ankle swell up, I started to limp home. Luckily, like any White Knight, my brother happened to be driving down the street just after it happened and drove me home. Since then, I have filled my days with countless hours of icing my ankle while watching Netflix, reading and spending time with my puppy.

Always at my side, Pongo has calmly laid near me as I recover. Such a sweet puppy. Which, I must say, is a nice change of pace because he loves to play and be rowdy. So today, as my ankle continues to improve, I went in the backyard and played with Pongo as much as I could. Which entails me sitting in a chair and throwing the ball for Pongo to retrieve it. He loved it nonetheless.

My favorite thing about Pongo is his facial expressions. I believe I have mentioned it before in a past post, but I can always tell what he is thinking just by looking at his eyes. I love his eyes. While playing today, his eyes were filled with thanks and joy. My eyes were filled with love. Love for this puppy who has been a loyal friend since day one. A friend who sat on my ankle right after I sprained it. But I know it was not intentional, it was a way for him to be closer to me. As much as it hurt to have him sit there, I did not complain. For I knew he meant well.

For all's well that ends well,


1 comment:

  1. Aww, Pongo! He is really something...
    I love your posts, Kimmik! Also your pics! They are all so beautiful and you can get the felling of the moment.
    Proud of you! (Always).
