Here's my attempt at taking (and posting) one photograph a day, for an entire year. Here we go...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Day 122
A series of unfortunate events will not dampen my spirit.
After my college charged me for a summer class that I did not take, lost some of my paperwork for this upcoming semester (which I re-submitted), received a parking ticket today (around the time I took this photograph actually) and ended up going home with a broken camera lens, I am determined not to let that get me down. Because, overall, I had a really great day.
Yes, all of the above is unfortunate and a bit frustrating, but I have to maintain a certain level of zen to not let it all bother me. When thinking of my photograph for today, only one subject came to mind, this statue.
While it does not have an official title, it is known as the Spirit of Detroit. Often, he wears different uniforms of the Detroit professional sport teams when they are in the playoffs. Now, he is sporting a Detroit Public Schools t-shirt as a part of their "I'm in" campaign.
The reason I thought of this statue is because to me, it represents the spirit of the city. And while Detroit may not be the most popular or thriving city, we have spirit; something that no amount of bad media can take away. To me, people in his left hand represent the great citizens of the Motor City and in his right hand, is a ball of light, a ball of hope, a ball of spirit. I like to think that the statue is saying to the people, "Hey, do not worry, have a little hope on your darkest days and one day, everything will shine bright again." Which is why, for me, it is only fitting that this is my photograph for today.
It reminds me to always keep my spirit up and as Professor Dumbledore said, Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Day 120
You are born an artist or you are not. And you stay an artist, dear, even if your voice is less of a fireworks. The artist is always there. Maria Callas
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Day 118
I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music. Billy Joel
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Day 116
These are my thoughts written down on paper. It's my only savior from not saying, what I want to say. -New Found Glory
My nightcaps usually consist of coffee or tea, rather than a gin and tonic. Tonight, I had a latte from Caribou Coffee, which explains my current inability to fall asleep. I was able to get a little photography work done before meeting up with a really nice new friend.
Having been an ex-barista, I never underestimate the power of coffee. The thing I love most about coffee is it's ability to bring people together in a calming, non-threatening environment. Seriously, what is so intimidating about a medium non-fat, dirty chai tea latte with an extra shot and a few pumps of vanilla? Haha, just kidding, but those are delicious! Coffee is a great ice breaker and an amazing way to get to know someone, or catch up. Often, in my case, it is how I start my day and also helps me get through it. Coffee is one of those little things that can absolutely make my day. And if you do not like coffee, I hope there is something else that makes your day as well.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Day 113

He was watching me as I took my photograph for the day. I could tell he was fascinated with all of the buttons I was clicking, as he is with anything mechanical. I let Charlie have a go with my camera. I showed him how to focus and how to zoom. The rest, I left up to him.
Since my focus was Papa Smurf today, we decided to make it his as well. I put Papa Smurf in the grass and was interested to see where Charlie would place him. He placed him at the base of a tree, in the dirt and on this bird bath. A darn good photograph for a first timer. Maybe he will pick up photography and really enjoy it. Charlie is my first "guest" photographer. I think he did a great job!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Day 111
Check out this little guy.
Before work, I went on a little photo adventure with my good friend and photographer, Dayna. It was not a lot of fun trekking through the muggy city with our heavy backpacks/camera bags stuck to our backs. Though it was fun; we made it fun. I believe that it does not matter what you are doing, as much as the company with whom you are with. Today was one of those examples. It 85ºF, muggy, hot and humid. We were sweating as we walked though Detroit's urban jungle and were packed in the People Mover like sardines in a can. But we found things to laugh about and had a super duper time. It is always a great time with her. She has such a heartwarming and caring personality while always carries a smile upon her face. Dayna is one cool cat.
This photograph was taken at the beginning of our journey. There is an abandoned lot where residents of a neighboring apartment building turned it into an urban farming site. It was fantastic to watch the site grow from one flower box to several. Each day, there are people outside tending to their crops and beautifying their part of the city. I think if everyone did something like this, Detroit would be really great again. I know one day it will be, I just hope to see it in my lifetime.
Before work, I went on a little photo adventure with my good friend and photographer, Dayna. It was not a lot of fun trekking through the muggy city with our heavy backpacks/camera bags stuck to our backs. Though it was fun; we made it fun. I believe that it does not matter what you are doing, as much as the company with whom you are with. Today was one of those examples. It 85ºF, muggy, hot and humid. We were sweating as we walked though Detroit's urban jungle and were packed in the People Mover like sardines in a can. But we found things to laugh about and had a super duper time. It is always a great time with her. She has such a heartwarming and caring personality while always carries a smile upon her face. Dayna is one cool cat.
This photograph was taken at the beginning of our journey. There is an abandoned lot where residents of a neighboring apartment building turned it into an urban farming site. It was fantastic to watch the site grow from one flower box to several. Each day, there are people outside tending to their crops and beautifying their part of the city. I think if everyone did something like this, Detroit would be really great again. I know one day it will be, I just hope to see it in my lifetime.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Day 110
Celebrate World Photography Day! What better way than an HDR?
On a side note, the Tigers beat the Indians in a 4-1 win tonight to take first place in the American League Central!! Eat 'em up Tigers!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day 109
I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee; A poet could not be but gay, In such a jocund company! I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. Kimmik |
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day 107
All children are artists. The problem is, how to remain an artist once he grows up. Pablo Picasso
There goes Charlie again, creating more with his imagination will allow. He made a tea cup out of clay. The upper right corner is the handle of the cup. As you can see, it was very messy. The mess I do not mind, as long has he is having fun creating something.
There goes Charlie again, creating more with his imagination will allow. He made a tea cup out of clay. The upper right corner is the handle of the cup. As you can see, it was very messy. The mess I do not mind, as long has he is having fun creating something.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Day 106
Friend. A word that goes way beyond its six letters.
I love my friends and appreciate each and everyone of them. I am a firm believer that people are in my life at certain times for a reason. It is as if they are there when I need them to. I may be really good friends with a person I work with, but once I left the job, our friendship dwindled. It is not because the other person is terrible or a bad friend, it is because we were meant to be close during that specific time period. Does that make sense? It does up in my silly head.
People go off to university. People follow their careers and move out of state. People argue People go on awesome worldly adventures. People do other things not mentioned. People lose touch. But all it takes is one message or conversation to bring together people who have lost communication, whether it was on accident or on purpose.
I did not realize how happy I am to have received one of those messages this weekend. A friend of mine who is away at university visited her family and we had the chance to get coffee. Catching up over coffee with Cheryl was full of laugher (as any conversation with her usually is) and inspiring. I always try to surround myself with successful and/or goal-orientated people because I feel when I am around them, I aspire to emulate them.
Cheryl is no exception. She is training to run a marathon to raise money for The Lukemia & Lymphoma Society. Her donation page can be found by clicking here and I am sure she and The L&L Society would greatly appreciate it. So maybe skip out on your $5 latte and donate it to a super cause.
She is very inspiring to me because she is so tenacious in her training. Her constant positivity, focus and determination (in not just this marathon, but everything she does) is something I find myself to be envious of. Hearing of Cheryl's training stories and the people who are helping her to achieve her goals is very uplifting. As a Public and Non-Profit Administration major, I know she will create the next big organization to help the world. And hopefully, she will invite me along to snap a couple photographs.
Today's photograph is brought to you from our dinner tonight. We went to my favorite sushi place. We americanized the sushi by getting it tempura'ed. And it was fantastic. After dinner, we walked around the city and had another coffee together before she goes back to university. Such a great person I am happy to have back in my life.
Other than dancing, she loves old school-looking photographs, so this one is for you Cheryl.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Day 105
Your eyes, are the brightest of all the colors. I don't wanna ever love another. You'll always be my thunder, so bring on the rain, and listen to the thunder. -Boys Like Girls

I distinctly remember the day that my friend and I picked him up. He was the last of his litter and I am glad no one picked him. As we pulled up to the driveway of the breeder we were buying him from, a uncoordinated, floppy-eared brown ball of fur un-patiently bursted out the front door. He ran straight to me, licked my face and my heart was his. He looked up at me with those big yellow eyes and as cheesy as it may sound, I knew we would be friends forever.
Pongo and I have been through a lot together, and I am always happy to come home to him after a long day. It is hard to be in a bad mood around this guy; he has the most positive energy.
I talk to him when I'm lonesome; and I'm sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. -W.D. Wedgefarth
And I love him dearly.
And I love him dearly.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Day 104
"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light."
-Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore/JK Rowling
Friday, August 12, 2011
Day 103
But I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful like a rainbow -Cindy Lauper Since catching up on the past episode of the Glee Project I have had the above lyrics on repeat in my head. So, today I wanted to do something with colors or a rainbow. Since I cannot produce a rainbow in the sky, I opted for a bag of crayons. My original plan was to stick them in a cup and get a close up, but I have seen many of those photographs. In my attempt to make mine a little different, I decided to play with my shutter speed and zoom, as I did previously with Mr. George Washington. T'was fun as always. I received a comment from a 13-year old girl on yesterday's post. It very heartwarming to know that she, among other people, is enjoying my project. I was overwhelmed with joy as I read "You are an inspiring person." That means a great deal to me. I am am able to inspire others as my inspirational heroes motivate me. Keep the comments coming, Kimmik |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Day 102
Kiwi anyone?
Today my little one had a playdate with my friend's kids. The children were playing "restaurant" where one was a chef, one the waiter and one the customer. Saying it was trés cute would be an understatement.
From across the room, I heard something crinkle followed by a thump. Those two noises repeated about six times before I walked over there to see what mischief Katy had gotten into. T'was no mischief. Only Katy cutting velcro'ed together fruit with a wooden knife.
It is very interesting how kids learn by watching. Shortly after sitting down at the "restaurant" table, Katy served me a plate of fruits and said, "Make sure you eat all of it! So you grow to be big and strong like mommy and daddy!" Those familiar words come out of my mouth each day. More than anything, I am glad that they stuck with her.
Back on Day 12 when my project was a wee little lad, I stated why I do not use faces for the photographs that appear on this website. And since Katy is the subject of both photographs, the answer remains the same,
I do not show her face because it would not have the same affect on the photograph. Not knowing what she looks like (she's a very beautiful little girl) leaves the viewer to their imagination. And it also lets the viewer imagine themselves or someone they know as the one [in the photograph].
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Day 101
The weather was cooler today than it has been in a while. It felt as if it was fall outside. So what better way to celebrate the coming of fall with a bonfire and friends. And of course, how could I forget, the uninvited mosquitos...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Day 100
100 days.
3,300+ views.
Viewed in 25 countries.
One day at a time.
I cannot believe today marks the 100th day that I have successfully photographed something and posted it each day. That right there is a big accomplishment. It is difficult to do something constantly everyday. There have been days when the thoughts, "I'll just use a previous photo," have crossed my mind, but to me, that was defeat. And this is one battle I am determined to see to the finished. As say the lyrics to one of my favorite bands This captain goes down with the ship.
Speaking of favorites, one of my favorite inspirational people will always be Kat Von D. I know I have written about her in previous posts but I cannot help it. It is because of her that I was able to start and stick with this project. It is because of her that I have found a new love and passion for photography. It is because of her that I appreciate the "little things" that make life so grand. And for that, I thank her with all of my heart.
Today's post is more than a pretty flower. It is the result of the beauty that can be found within those "little things" in life. Take the time to appreciate each and every minute of your day as well as those in it. Unfortunately, the day comes when you will realize that things were taken for granted -- then it will be too late.
Life well spent is long. Leonardo da Vinci
3,300+ views.
Viewed in 25 countries.
One day at a time.
I cannot believe today marks the 100th day that I have successfully photographed something and posted it each day. That right there is a big accomplishment. It is difficult to do something constantly everyday. There have been days when the thoughts, "I'll just use a previous photo," have crossed my mind, but to me, that was defeat. And this is one battle I am determined to see to the finished. As say the lyrics to one of my favorite bands This captain goes down with the ship.
Speaking of favorites, one of my favorite inspirational people will always be Kat Von D. I know I have written about her in previous posts but I cannot help it. It is because of her that I was able to start and stick with this project. It is because of her that I have found a new love and passion for photography. It is because of her that I appreciate the "little things" that make life so grand. And for that, I thank her with all of my heart.
Today's post is more than a pretty flower. It is the result of the beauty that can be found within those "little things" in life. Take the time to appreciate each and every minute of your day as well as those in it. Unfortunately, the day comes when you will realize that things were taken for granted -- then it will be too late.
Life well spent is long. Leonardo da Vinci
Monday, August 8, 2011
Day 99
Whenever I see a dragonfly, I cannot help but to think of Gilmore Girls, my favorite show as a teenager. Along with growing up with Harry Potter, I grew with Rory and her witty fast-paced banter. The reason I think of Gilmore GIrls is because of the Dragonfly Inn, owned by Lorelai.
Today, I went to the zoo with the kids I babysit and my friend Ariel. We had a great time together and the kids loved the animals. I love going to the zoo with Charlie because he would point out photo opportunities for me. After going on a little path within the zoo, I heard Charlie scream "Kimi! Quick! Come take a photo!" He pointed out this dragonfly and I was very grateful that he did. Such a great kid! So courteous and always thinking about other people. And he is a fantastic photo-buddy as well. I cannot wait to bring him to the zoo again. He had a lot of fun and I did as well, I took some nice shots today because of his suggestions. I know this one would not have happened without him.
On an important side note: My heart goes out to all of those affected by the London Riots. Here is a great article with touching photographs of the tragedy.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Day 98
In the words of my wise Brazilian friend, "This is love."
I have been tethered to the confinement of my house for the past few days due to a sprained ankle. As I went for a run, I must have mis-stepped or stepped on a crack. I am not really sure, but as I felt the blood rush to make my right ankle swell up, I started to limp home. Luckily, like any White Knight, my brother happened to be driving down the street just after it happened and drove me home. Since then, I have filled my days with countless hours of icing my ankle while watching Netflix, reading and spending time with my puppy.
Always at my side, Pongo has calmly laid near me as I recover. Such a sweet puppy. Which, I must say, is a nice change of pace because he loves to play and be rowdy. So today, as my ankle continues to improve, I went in the backyard and played with Pongo as much as I could. Which entails me sitting in a chair and throwing the ball for Pongo to retrieve it. He loved it nonetheless.
My favorite thing about Pongo is his facial expressions. I believe I have mentioned it before in a past post, but I can always tell what he is thinking just by looking at his eyes. I love his eyes. While playing today, his eyes were filled with thanks and joy. My eyes were filled with love. Love for this puppy who has been a loyal friend since day one. A friend who sat on my ankle right after I sprained it. But I know it was not intentional, it was a way for him to be closer to me. As much as it hurt to have him sit there, I did not complain. For I knew he meant well.
For all's well that ends well,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Day 97
Challenge accepted!
One of my closest friends, Amanda, fully supports my photography project (along with all of the other crazy ideas I have had over the years). She likes the concept of "a photograph a day" but wanted to add a little twist to it. Take one and only one photograph for the day.
Today, I accepted her challenge and waited until 9.50pm to take my one and only photograph for today. The calm after the storm. We had a storm today and I love the colors of the sky when it is over. The sky was a deep red and I am glad I was able to capture it with one exposure, along with the shadows of the trees. It was a little difficult being allowed only one try, but I think it turned out okay. Not the best, but I am fairly happy with it. The only things I am not happy about are the six mosquito bites I received while taking it. What do you think?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Day 94
"Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers - for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are." -Osho
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
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