Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 12

Another day of nannying, another photograph of my little one. They (whoever "they are") always say, "Photograph what you know." My little one tends to be the subject of most of my photographs.

I was once asked why I do not show her face. I do not show her face because it would not have the same affect on the photograph. Not knowing what she looks like (she's a very beautiful little girl) leaves the viewer to their imagination. And it also lets the viewer imagine themselves or someone they know as the one blowing bubbles.

I like this photograph because it's simplicity. Anyone who knows me, knows that it's the little things in life that I enjoy the most. My puppy annoyingly barking at me in the morning to let him outside, mother calling me four times a day just to say "hello," receiving a postcard in the mail from a foreign country, or someone holding the door open for me.

It is hard not to focus on the negatives in life; believe me, my life has its fair share just like everyone else. That is why I adore little things so much, because a bunch of little events in your day eventually lead up to create a very positive day.

I think world could use a little more positivity and simplicity.


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