Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 37

My new camera!

In 1900 Eastman Kodak developed the Brownie cameras and sold them for $1. It was the first introduction of a lower-priced photography that was available to the public. It's slogan was "You push the button, we do the rest." The camera was intended to be easy to use and affordable.

While this one is not the original Brownie, it is one of the other models that came out. This Brownie Flash Six-20 was introduced in 1946 and discontinued in 1955. It's original price was $6.00. Not bad for the newest "technology" at the time.

After volunteering at my former high school, my teacher and I researched the camera. She found the manual and we toyed with the camera for a little bit. 

I was really excited to have found this camera at a local Farmer's Market. The lady I purchased it from had a lot of old cameras and I will be back to purchase more. I want to start collecting old cameras. I think it will be neat.

Kodak still makes the 620 film that is needed for this camera, so I will look into buying some and trying my hand at some old school film haha. That should be interesting. Keep on the lookout for that post.


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