Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 50

50 day mark!

It is a great feeling to have hit this benchmark in my project. To celebrate it I decided to make today's photograph have something to do with the theme of "hitting." Luckily, some friends and I played tennis today and it was a perfect opportunity to try and capture some sort of forehand or backhand shot. 

I was able to get a photograph of Fuat serving. He is a very good tennis player and has been playing for over 13 years. The great thing about photographing people who have played a sport for so long, is that they have great technique so they make the photographs look better.

As with some of my photographs, I like to throw a little vignette around it. Though this time, it made the sky stand out. I did not want to do it too much because I did not want to make the sky look fake. But I think it is a nice little touch and it accentuates the sky.

This will not be the last time I thank you for looking at my photo project and I am so thankful that you do. Over 1,770 views in just 50 days. I think that is incredible. Though it would be cool to get some comments on the photographs **hint hint** I set up the comments so readers can comment anonymously and do not need to sign up for any accounts. I know that can be annoying to register for something and receive those spam e-mails.

I am very excited to see what will come of the next 315 days.

It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. -Vince Lombardi


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