Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 38

He is safe!

Earlier today, I went to the beach with two friends. I wanted to choose a photograph from the great time we had this morning, but the one I chose was a type of "still life" with my flip flops in the sand. Kind of cliche. So I decided to challenge myself a little when I went to Charlie's baseball game, the 8 year-old boy I babysit for. 

My goal was to stop action and I really wanted to capture motion...especially with a kid sliding into the base. I was not sure I would be able to accomplish this since the kids are only eight. But I could not believe how serious some kids took their sport. I thought some were overly confident. I mean, it is a sport, so being competitive is understandable, but not saying things that could potentially hurt the feelings of someone else. But kids will be kids right? I guess to a certain extent. 

I am fairly happy to have been able to catch a kid sliding into third base. It took a while to get this shot because the kids do not slide. Luckily, I was ready for when this player did and I was able to change my settings fast enough to capture it.

Fastest guns in the west! ** Cue Western duel music **


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